Savannah State University Affordable Learning Solutions

The MERLOT Library ( provides a large collection of online course materials in all shapes and sizes, including:

Animations, Assignments, Case Studies, Collections, Quizzes/Tests, Simulations, Tutorials, and much more.

Click on the links to the major topics below and you'll navigate to free online resources within the MERLOT library (


ADD Free and Open Educational Resources You're Using or Created into MERLOT

Are you using OER in your teaching or your learning? Have you created free and open teaching materials? We invite you to catalog these resources in MERLOT. Your colleagues and students around the world will thank you!


First: Become a member of MERLOT (It will take about 2 minutes and it is FREE).

Second: Fill out the online form to contribute a Material. (It will take about 4 minutes the first time.  MERLOT provides systematic instructions on our YouTube Channel and a handout (PDF).


Enter key words below to search the SkillsCommons library for Free Workforce Development OER



Enter key words below to search the MERLOT library, over 75 other open libraries, and more!

Enter the ISBN of a book below to find related FREE eTextbooks and more.